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Engineering Planetary Health


Engineering Planetary Health

On Wednesday, December 5, the Institute for Global Studies will host the last Global Forum of the semester from 1:00 - 2:30 pm in the Wang Center Theater. Focusing onEngineering Planetary Health, the Forum is a continuation of the Global Engineering theme that began last April.


Humans are living longer and healthier lives than ever before, yet the health of the planet is in jeopardy. The globalization of the Industrial Revolution is damaging the geobody at an alarming rate, but human health requires a healthy planet. To keep us and our planet healthy, advanced technical skills must be matched with smart social, cultural, and political abilities. We need constructive local interventions that go FAR BEYOND engineering. This Global Forum provides some insight into how Stony Brook researchers are approaching humanity’s new planetary challenge.


Join us as we explore planetary health with Dr. Fotis Sotiropoulos, Dean of the College of Engineering & Applied Sciences, and professors from the Departments of Ecology & Evolution and Technology & Society.